"Suilad, si mart an na mii i Quendelie quetil"
I found a whole English to Elvish thing here.
And this is the Elvish alphabet. |
"That’s ENT-tertainment!"
What did Frodo say when he saw the elves dancing?
He didn't say anything. They were awful.
What did Frodo say when he saw the dwarves dancing?
"Why the heck is everyone dancing!"
During The Last Alliance of Elves and Men, an elf was captured by an orc. He was injured very badly, and his arm needed to be amputated.
He asked the orc, "Could you send my arm to Mirkwood?"
The orc said he would.
The next day the elf’s other arm had to be amputated, and he asked if it could be sent to Mirkwood, too.The orc agreed.
Then the elf’s leg had to be amputated, and he asked the same thing. The orc agreed to that as well.
But when the elf’s other leg had to be amputated, and he asked thing same to be done with it, the orc got fed up.
"Now hold on," the orc said, "You’re trying to escape, aren’t you?"
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